I believe in

Putting Kids First

Schools exist to ensure every student receives an excellent education. While all of us are stakeholders in our public education system, I believe that every decision should be based, first and foremost, on the answer to the question “How will this decision impact the education and lives of our students?” As school board trustees, we are entrusted with making the best decisions for all students in our system, even if those decisions are sometimes unpopular decisions with adults. Success for students needs to come first. Every time.

Respect & Empowerment for Campus Staff

Teachers, counselors, administrators, and support staff pour their hearts and souls into the students they serve each day. They are the primary difference makers for our students. We must empower our staff on campuses to make that difference for our students. In the six years I spent as principal at The School for the Talented and Gifted (TAG) Magnet High School in Dallas ISD, I worked to provide stability and respect for our teachers and empower them to do what they do best – teach.

Racial Equity and Access for All

Every student who walks through the doors of schools in District 7 has unlimited potential. As a trustee, I would have the responsibility to ensure all of our students and families have the resources and support they need to be successful. Our district is diverse, and our needs are just as diverse as the community that we call home. I will make sure that all of our students and families have access to an excellent education and equitable resources, regardless of what part of the district they live in and what school they attend.

Financial Stewardship

Dallas residents entrust Dallas ISD with their tax dollars and it is critical that we are good stewards of the limited resources we have. One primary job of a trustee is to ensure accountability and transparency from the district as it relates to bids, budgeting, vendor processes, and other aspects related to our financing. Having earned a finance degree from the University of Florida and a Masters of Education from Harvard University, I understand the importance of ensuring all of our district’s funds are focused on one goal only – making sure all of our students get the best education.

Traditional Public School Districts

Public school districts are the bedrock of our democracy in America. I am a product of traditional public schools and I have chosen to work in traditional public school districts throughout my professional career. Our state legislature must prioritize our traditional public schools and districts so that Dallas ISD can fulfill its commitment to our community.

Transparency, Communication, & Engagement

District 7 constituents deserve transparency and authentic engagement in how their trustee considers and makes decisions, and constituents should be engaged and involved from the outset. It’s the trustee’s role to proactively interact with their constituents while providing them with clear, factual information about how upcoming policies will impact their children, schools, and community.

If you share these beliefs, join us.